Koi 911 offers a fully integrated service to corporate and home pond owners. Koi 911 business objective is to ease the task of the Koi keeper and within doing so ultimately ensure that fish and pond life flourish.

Need any assistance ?

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact Gerhard direct. Gerhard understands the bond owners have with their Koi. Koi Care’s knowledge of Koi, their health, and their problems are extensive. Please contact us directly as soon as you experience is suspect a problem with your Koi and your pond. Preventative is better than cure!

Contact Details

Gerhard Lezar

Contact us - Koi Care 911

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact Gerhard direct. Gerhard understands the bond owners have with their Koi. Koi Care’s knowledge of Koi, their health, and their problems are extensive. Please contact us directly as soon as you experience or suspect a problem with your Koi and your pond. Prevention is better than cure!

We service all areas in Gauteng and Pretoria.